Monday, January 29, 2018

The start of a new year

It is now almost February and winter is still fully around. At our place we have quite a lot of snow. The main roads are fine but the secondary roads can be icy and slippery.

We have made a beginning with the winter room at the back of the house and the roof is finished. When the outdoor temperature is rising we will continue but for now we take a break.

In April we will visit Ytje's brother in Germany because his wife will be 50. There will be a big party. After this we will go to Holland also for a few short visits. Hope the snow will be gone at that time...

We are still studying Swedish at this moment. Although we have finished the main course we still feel we can learn a bit more. We aim for this summer to finish this extra lessons.
Had some little troubles with our van and decided to buy another car. We choose a Volvo this time. It drives great!